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Case Study #1 How to capture the customer context
Case Study #1 How to capture the customer context

Does mapping only the touchpoints help us understand and meet the needs of the customer? Or discover new opportunities?

Sabina Persson avatar
Written by Sabina Persson
Updated over a week ago

In this video, we will walk you through some important things to consider when trying to understand and capture what the customer goes through in an online banking situation.

The key take-away in this case is that sometimes things happen in a customer's life, that don't show in the touchpoints. Because it happens before or after the customer is in contact with your product or service.

To see the whole picture and to understand the context, we need to take a step back. In this journey the "before" phase gives us important information on why the customer enters this service at a low point, and what the customer situation is when this service takes place.

Pro tip!

  • Create empty space in your map for the customer experience and context.

  • If you have mapped a lot of touchpoints but haven't caught the customer situation or context: create a lane or space for this in the customer journey above your touchpoint lane. Then start asking yourself: what would the customer do here? In what situation are they in? Why? How? And when?

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